
Quasar is a securities asset manager approved and regulated by the CVM – Securities and Exchange Commission (“Quasar”). Quasar does not sell or distribute shares of investment funds or any other financial asset. The information disclosed in this web site is merely informative and does not constitute any kind of investment advice and shall not be used for this purpose.

No information contained in this web site constitutes a solicitation, offering or recommendation to buy or sell investment fund shares or any other securities. Quasar, its partners and employees hold harmless of responsibilities concerning all damages arised directly or indirectly from use of information herein contained.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please read the Funds’ Prospectus, the Complementary Information Formulary and Fact Sheet before applying your resources. The Fund´s Prospectus, the Complementary Information Formulary and the Fact Sheet are available in the Administrator web site (www.servicosfinanceiros.bnymellon.com or www.btgpactual.com.br).

Investment Funds are not guaranteed by the Administrator, portfolio manager, by any insurance mechanism or the Fundo Garantidor de Créditos (Credit Guarantee Fund) – FGC. The Fund investment strategy may result significant property loss for its shareholders.